BioEconomy matchmaking event is a springboard for international networking

The 5th annual matchmaking event “BioEconomy meets Industry and Science” once again forms the perfect framework for the networking and exchanging of ideas between SMEs, research institutes, business founders and entrepreneurs interested in starting up a business in a biobased field. The BioEconomy Cluster is a network of companies and research institutes in Central Germany whose aim is to establish a biobased economy. Matchmaking provides a proven opportunity to network with one another and to look beyond the horizon, particularly with regard to start-ups and innovation. More than 30 individuals interested in the topic of “internationalization” took advantage of this opportunity at the German Biomass Research Center (DBFZ) in Leipzig. After a tour through DBFZ’s biogas research plant and laboratories, entrepreneurs and participants from business and science met up to find out more about the cluster, technology, product innovations, and spin-offs, and to learn from the experiences of the projects on display. The BioEconomy Cluster presented its new innovation room, where biobased products, applications and technologies from SMEs, research institutes and start-ups will be more efficiently supported and positioned on the market. The basis for this is the GISBERT project, which supports start-up ideas arising within the cluster environment.

Market access with international business ideas

Dr. Ghada Abouammar and Lydia Nakayenze-Schubert presented their start-up Oncaplanta, which specializes in biobased pesticides. The start-up project was founded in Leipzig in 2017 and has an international background. It is currently developing market-ready, biobased fungicides, for instance, for fruit and winegrowers. One could palpably sense how the audience was captivated by the business idea. This meant it was high time to give the growing desire to exchange ideas the space it deserved in the form of the well-established “meet & greet”. Lively discussions over refreshments was the perfect way to end the 5th BioEconomy matchmaking event.

Prelude to the annual networking event

The matchmaking event was just a taste of what’s to come at the 7th International Bioeconomy Conference. The event entitled “Bio meets Economy – Science meets Industry” will be host by the ScienceCampus Halle and the BioEconomy Cluster Central Germany on June 6 – 7, 2018 at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle an der Saale. The conference is one of the most important dates in the national bioeconomy calendar bringing together every year a host of renowned scientists, bioeconomy stakeholders and political representatives. The conference provides insights into the opportunities and potentials of the bioeconomy, especially in the region of Central Germany. True to the matching motto “internationalization”, numerous experts and company representatives from this year’s partner region of Scandinavia will be on hand. Reason enough to take advantage of the opportunities for networking and obtaining information about current innovations and developments at one of Germany’s most important bioeconomy events.

The 7th International Bioeconomy Conference will take place on June 6-7, 2018 at the Leopoldina in Halle Saale. Find out more and register at: