Small and medium-sized enterprises can more easily implement research projects and innovations when they work together with regional partners. To this end, the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) supports research and development projects of SMEs in high-performance networks and clusters.

The BMBF is strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises in regional networks and clusters through the “KMU-NetC” funding measure as part of its ten-point program “Right of Way for SMEs”. SMEs are called on to renew their processes, products, services and business models in order to tap into new market potential. It is helpful to work closely with other companies, universities or research institutions in networks and clusters that have already developed innovation strategies or technology roadmaps. Experience and expertise are shared, thus facilitating and accelerating innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises.


KMU-NetC Project of the BioEconomy Cluster CAROFIL

The innovative approach of the CAROFIL joint project was able to win over the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) within the framework of the funding measure. Project partners are investigating an innovative filter technology in which magnetizable filter carbons will be developed for the highly selective separation of particles.

In the CAROFIL project, the Leading-Edge Cluster BioEconomy pursues the goal of implementing a novel and innovative filter technology. This technology will be further developed with regard to its filtration properties and applications. At the heart of the collaborative project is research into a filter material consisting of an iron(0)-carbon complex, an innovative magnetic substrate and a highly selective filter system. Corresponding fields of application are, for example, exhaust air filtration to minimize odors, exhaust gas purification to reduce pollutant concentrations, and waste water purification to eliminate heavy metals.

Project partners: TRIDELTA Hartferrite GmbH, LTC – Lufttechnik Crimmitschau GmbH, The German Biomass Research Center DBFZ