The DBFZ (German Biomass Research Center) conducts applied R&D for energy provision, energy sources and fuels in the bioeconomy. It focuses on the technical development of coupled processes for the energetic and material use of all kinds of biomass. Methods are developed and applied at the research center that are used to assess the sustainability of biorefineries and entire value chains (such as LCA, social LCA, etc.) and to analyze economic viability. The integration of bioenergy processes and biorefineries into the energy system and the bioeconomy is analyzed and solutions are developed.
The DBFZ’s technology center offers an extensive range of technical equipment for use in R&D&I projects. Here the focus is on anaerobic fermentation (laboratory, pilot plant and industrial-scale biogas research plant), hydrothermal processes, biorefineries and separation technology, compaction and combustion pilot plants, as well as systems for testing catalytic emission reduction.
Potential analyses and the monitoring of material flows in the bioeconomy are just as much a part of the DBFZ’s range of services as its policy advice.
The research facility specializes in application- and industry-oriented R&D projects with partners from industry and research.
The DBFZ is a non-profit limited liability company and is owned by the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). With a staff of 220 employees, the research center generates approximately € 16 million in revenues through research projects.

DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gGmbH
Torgauer Straße 116
04347 Leipzig