Hochschule Anhalt – Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

The Department of Biosciences and Process Engineering

The clear concept of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is to consistently unite science and innovation. We offer innovative research and teaching at an international level in Bernburg, Dessau and Köthen. Our nearly 8,000 students enjoy excellent educational opportunities and a good quality of life, and over 2,000 of our students add an international flair. The university offers both traditional and modern engineering courses at its three locations. These range from the life sciences, process technology and computer science to electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, architecture, design and agriculture.

The university’s strong application orientation is consistently reflected in its research and teaching, so that every field of study at Anhalt UAS has been developed with practical application in mind. Building on this, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences has set itself the goal of implementing the “Transfer-Hochschule Anhalt 2022” vision by 2022. The increasing digitalization in all industrial areas is also occurring in application-oriented research and development projects. Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is in the process of setting up a BigData&Cloud Center, which will be available for research projects conducted by the university and its partners.

The Department of Biosciences and Process Engineering offers extensive research capabilities in the fields of biotechnology, food technology, pharmaceutical technology and process engineering. The department’s research groups specialize in application-oriented research and provide a reliable innovation partner for companies in the region and beyond.

Research-intensive subject areas include biochemistry and algae biotechnology, general and molecular biotechnology, as well as bioprocess engineering, brewing technology, complex catalysis and process engineering, food processing and processing technology, automation of industrial processes through measurement, control and process technology, as well as photocatalysis. R&D activities are carried out at various scales in modern laboratories and pilot plants.

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences offers cooperation opportunities with research groups in the field of life sciences with a focus on the following (excerpt):

Biochemistry & algae biotechnology

  • Biotechnological extraction of recyclable and active substances from microalgae
  • Analysis of cell components, active pharmaceutical ingredients and bioactive substances
  • Extraction, purification, isolation of biological agents
  • Fermentation of complex substrates

Brewing technology & analytics

  • Brewing technology and process support from the raw material to the end product
  • Advancement of manufacturing processes and quality assurance
  • Gluten-free food, development of functional malt extracts

Complex catalysis & process technology

  • Recycling of highly toxic industrial waste that contains heavy metals
  • Synthesis of novel polymerizable platinum complexes
  • Chemical evaluation of industrial cooling water plants

Food processing & process engineering

  • Applied research in the food industry
  • Drying processes, emulsions, foams, targeted isolation of constituents
  • Biosynthesis of galacto oligosaccharides

Measuring, control and process technology

  • Automation of industrial processes
  • Quality control of food products
  • Development and application of modern spectroscopic methods


  • Pharmaceutical residues in the environment
  • Provision of active catalyst supports
  • Investigations into solar catalysts and solar chemical conversion

The university and, in particular, the Department of Applied Biotechnology and Process Engineering offers application- and transfer-oriented research in the form of cooperation with companies and other research institutions. The experienced research groups have developed expertise and technology for process development and analytics. For publicly and industry-funded research, the groups and project partners are supported by the University’s Research and Technology Transfer Centre.