INNONET Kunststoff Technologiezentrum Horb GmbH & Co. KG

The INNONET Kunststoff, an innovative network, networked the companies of the plastic industry in Baden-Württemberg. In the network are more than 120 companies and institution that nearly reflect the entire value chain of the plastic. The spectrum ranges from forms and tools construction, injection molding machine, variety of plastics processing to a number of downstream processes, for example printing, laser processing, and measuring and testing. The plastic competence in the network is complemented professionalized by the membership of many Universities and research institutions.

The INNONET Kunststoff is a joint of the technology center Horb as carrier and the regional economic development northern black forest.

Activities of the INNONET Kunststoff

 To combine and expand the strengths and competencies of the INNONET Kunststoff companies, the network coordinate a variety of activities.

  • Regular meetings, events and workshops
  • Common exhibition appearances
  • Exchange and mediation of contacts, information and knowledge
  • Common marketing
  • Initiation of cooperation and joint projects
  • Joint initiatives in training and education