PNO Consultants is Europe’s largest innovation and funding consultancy. It was established as a start-up in the Netherlands in 1985. Today PNO has around 300 employees located in 20 offices throughout seven EU member states. Our office in Brussels allows us to maintain ties with EU institutions, relevant industry organizations and technology platforms.
PNO was launched in Germany in 2003 and currently has offices in Düsseldorf and Leipzig.
Road to innovation success – from an idea to successful implementation
We accompany our clients (medium-sized companies, multinationals, start-ups, universities, research centers, etc.) from the initial idea to the innovative product. In other words, we provide support in the conception, analysis, development, financing and implementation of research, development, innovation and demonstration projects.
As a company active throughout Europe, we are part of the European innovation and funding landscape. Our customers benefit from access to EU funding programs such as H2020 or LIFE, to EU projects, to networks and to important stakeholders.
Take an initial step on the “Road to Innovation Success” with PNO Consultants.
For many years PNO Consultants has supported the objective of putting the European economy on a sustainable footing. This is why PNO is a member of the European Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC). We also participate in a number of related EU projects such as BIOPEN, VALUEMAG, AGRICHEMWHEY and BIO-MIMETIC.
Our innovation services provide support in the implementation of biobased innovations, for example, by developing market analyses, roadmaps, business plans or promising funding applications for European or German funding programs such as Horizon 2020, BBI, LIFE, the Environmental Innovation Program, Eurostars, etc.