Dear all,
for the first time the ScienceCampus Halle – Plant-based Bioeconomy organizes an international summer school for students in the field of natural- and economics sciences. The entire summer school takes place from the 16 to 25 September 2013. Please see the program in the attachment.
As they have a few vacant places left participation is now open for non-WCH members. Additionally it will also be possible to participate in single modules instead of participating in the full course.
The modules are according to the program:
Module 1: General Introduction (16. September)
Module 2: Academic presentations (17.and 18. September, incl. BBQ)
Module 3: Academic writing (17. and 18. September, incl. BBQ)
Module 4: Creative thinking (19. September)
Module 5: Science Slam (19. and 20. September)
Module 6: Research Funding (20. September)
Module 7: From idea to realization – entrepreneurship in the field of bioeconomy (23. – 25. September)
Keynote Lecture: The date for the keynote lecture had to be changed. The lecture with the title “Productivity change and drivers of brazilian agriculture” given by Marcos Jank, Plataforma Agro (Brasil) takes place on September 23 at 5pm (Julius-Kühn-Hörsaal, HS E.02, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 9, Campus Heide-Süd).
Participation at the summer school is free of charge. If you are interested, please apply ASAP but not later than September 8 and please indicate also the modules you are interested in! Still, priority will be given to applicants for the entire program.
Please contact Claudia Flügel ( for further information and registration.